Leka (discussão | contribs)
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Leka (discussão | contribs)
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Linha 1: Linha 1:
"By forming 'patrols' of scouts in different places I hope to get all the different boys' clubs to come into close touch with each other, and for all boys to be scouts, and therefore useful men and good friends among themselves"
Scouting for Boys


Edição das 15h02min de 28 de outubro de 2006

"By forming 'patrols' of scouts in different places I hope to get all the different boys' clubs to come into close touch with each other, and for all boys to be scouts, and therefore useful men and good friends among themselves" Scouting for Boys


Patrulha Phoenix

Formação Atual:

Leka - P.L.a

Re Cleaver


